September 24, 2014
EPIP Webinar | Intent to Discriminate Not Required: Understanding a Structural Race Lens
In this introductory webinar, representatives from the Center for Social Inclusion discussed the current context of race leading to a deeper analysis of structural racism. They argued that the intent to discriminate is mostly irrelevant because institutions are inherently inequitable, and even well-intentioned policies may discriminate on race (even though that was not their original intention). When we don’t pay attention to race in our policymaking and in our grant funding, we continue to see disparities. The speakers gave examples of how racial and equitable US policies are important for all Americans and then gave some tools funders could use to identify structural problems. Representatives of The Hyams Foundation then shared key points in their journey in applying a structural race analysis to a key programmatic area, as an initial step to infusing racial justice throughout the Foundation's work. The webinar concluded with a Q&A with the participants.
- Angela Brown, Director of Programs, The Hyams Foundation, Inc.
- Dennis Chin, Communications Coordinator, Center for Social Inclusion
- Julia Beatty, Coordinator for Leadership Initiatives, Center for Social Inclusion
- Nahir Torres, Teen Development Program Officer, The Hyams Foundation, Inc.
Additional Resources:
- The Possessive Investment in Whiteness - George Lipsitz (download)
- Regionalism and Race - A speech by John A. Powell (download)
- A one-pager from Applied Research Center (now Race Forward), outlining the levels of racism (download)
- Hyams Foundation's one-page structural race analysis (download)
- CSI's "How to Identify Impacts Toward Racial Equity" (download)
- CSI's "How to identify structural problems" (download)
- Philanthropic Initiative for Racial Equity, "Mobilizing Community Power to Address Structural Racism" (download)
- USC Program for Environmental & Regional Equity, "Transactions, Transformations, Translations"(download)
- A CSI blog post around the recent events in Ferguson
Contact Info:
Center for Social Inclusion
Twitter: @theCSI
Julia Beatty [email protected]
Dennis Chin [email protected]
The Hyams Foundation
Angela Brown
[email protected]
(617) 426-5600 ext. 310
Nahir Torres
[email protected]
(617) 426-5600 ext. 312
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