The past year has brought a devastating increase in hateful speech and violence towards Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities throughout the United States. One incident of anti-AAPI hate is too many, and there have been nearly 3800 incidents documented by Stop AAPI Hate between March 2020 and March 2021 alone. EPIP condemns anti-AAPI violence and the racist hatred that it comes from, which continues to threaten and assault BIPOC communities.
This senseless racist and xenophobic violence has been inflamed by hateful political rhetoric, but builds on an abhorrent legacy of anti-Asian sentiment that is part and parcel of white supremacist culture and dogma in America. We decry these hateful beliefs and join in solidarity with our AAPI members, AAPI communities, and all who oppose racism, hatred, and violence. We also call on the philanthropic community to include AAPI organizations and communities in its efforts to advance social justice and achieve racial equity.
Please join us in condemning the violence and supporting AAPI people and communities. We offer the resources below as a starting point.
- In “As Violence Against Asian Americans Intensifies, the Moment for Philanthropy to Act Is Now,” Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy (AAPIP) CEO Pat Eng and Native Americans in Philanthropy (NAP) Executive Director Erik Stegman ask When will philanthropy take action to stop this violence against Asian Americans? and call on philanthropy to combat the invisibility of Asian Americans to the philanthropic sector by repudiating violence against Asian American communities and supporting AAPI organizations within their current grantmaking portfolios.
- AAPIP’s Supporting API Communities Resource Directory shares ways for the philanthropic sector to take meaningful action in the midst of the heightened violence and hate targeting Asian American communities, with links to API-serving organizations and coalitions, national and local response efforts, and resources for learning, safety, and support.
- In addition to documenting incidents of hate, Stop AAPI Hate shares safety tips, ways to help if you witness a hate incident, and reports that show the extent of this disturbing rise in AAPI-targeted incidents of hate and violence.
- The Anti-Asian Violence Resources CARRD shares resources, petitions, and other ways to take action. While EPIP has not vetted all organizations included in this card, we strongly support its goals to protect and support the AAPI community.