As Baby Boomers Retire, are Next Generation Leaders Ready to Step Up to Leadership?
September 11, 2013
The webinar was moderated by EPIP alumna, Regan Gruber Moffitt, Senior Associate for Public Policy, Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation and featured the following speakers: Sherece West-Scantlebury, President and CEO, Winthrop Rockefeller Foundation; Trish Tchume, National Director, Young Nonprofit Professionals Network; Sarah Kinser, Communications Director, Arkansas Community Foundation; and Marquita Little, Director of Policy and Planning, Arkansas Department of Human Services. The webinar referred to the Arkansas Voice Survey that was launched by emerging leaders in Arkansas to capture input from young professionals in the nonprofit and public service sectors about opportunities and challenges to next generation leadership. The Survey, which was modeled after similar national surveys such as Stepping Up, Stepping Out and Good in Theory, Problems in Practice, provided local data that is being used to drive discussion around how to support future leaders. It has also inspired younger leaders to think deeply about what they want the future of the sector to look like and begin advocating for change to make that happen. This engaging discussion reviewed the results and implications of the surveys as well as how to philanthropic leaders can apply the survey results.
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