Resource Mobilizer (M)


Momentum is a volunteer-driven training institute and learning community dedicated to understanding and building popular movements for progressive change. We believe social movements are necessary for people to realize their true power and generate the political will to win a long-term vision of justice.

We are living in movement times: since the 2016 election, millions have signed petitions, called elected officials, and taken to the streets. But in order for these tactics to add up to a strategy capable of transforming the political landscape, progressive organizers must understand the lessons of popular movements, and how those lessons can be applied to campaigns across issues and regions today.

We believe that “movement moments” are neither spontaneous nor unpredictable, as is often thought. Rather, they can be created, through deliberate and strategic action. Through our curriculum and community, we address questions like:  What makes movements like Black Lives Matter, Occupy, and March for Our Lives go viral, and others go nowhere? How exactly do popular movements make a difference, anyway? And how can progressives build lasting movements that overcome the common cycle of boom and bust?

Momentum’s goal is to develop the strategic leadership that will make what is truly necessary winnable, and to leave the next generation with models and best practices of organizing - particularly through popular movements - that can continue to be shared, refined, and updated.

Role Description

We are hiring a Resource Mobilizer to help us expand our fundraising capacity. This person will support Momentum 10 hours per week with grant writing, digital fundraising, and other key fundraising tasks. For the right candidate, hours may be increased to up to 20 hours/week. This person will report to the Development Director.

This is an ideal role for someone who knows the Momentum model, believes in the Momentum community’s potential, and wants to help funders understand the importance of movement-building.  It is a great opportunity for organizers who want to sharpen their resource mobilization skills as a core part of what it takes to build any organization or movement.

Candidate can be based anywhere, with a strong preference for Boston, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, or New York. 

Responsibilities will include but are not limited to:

  • Work closely with the Development Director and other Momentum staff in developing and transforming ideas into grant proposals.
  • Write and edit comprehensive proposals, prepare grant reports, and interact with foundation staff regarding grant-related activities.
  • Collaborate with Development Director and other staff to develop proposal budgets.
  • Prepare additional funder materials as needed (presentation materials, one-pagers, etc).
  • Create and manage systems for grant writing, including grant funder database, grant tracking calendar, etc.
  • Support on other fundraising tasks as needed, in collaboration with the Development Director and Digital Program Manager.


Job Criteria

  • Familiarity with the Momentum model and training program
  • Experience with grant writing
  • Excellent writing and editing skills, as well as an ability to translate our core beliefs and frameworks into other vocabularies and an ability to write relatively quickly
  • Able to write with confidence and precision about Momentum’s contribution to the political landscape and the ecosystem of social change efforts
  • Impeccable follow-through on commitments and deadlines, and ability to accurately assesses how long things take
  • Relational and collaborative
  • Self-starter, able to work remotely
  • Daytime, weekday availability for regular communication with Momentum Development Director (does not have to be available every day of the week, however)

The ideal candidate will also have:

  • Experience with digital communications and database management
  • Skills for developing visionary pitches that are aligned with Momentum’s short and and long-term goals
  • Experience building funder relationships and/or prospecting grants

Application Process

Momentum recruits, employs, trains, compensates and promotes regardless of race, religion, national origin, documentation status, disability, veteran status, marital status, gender identity, sexual orientation, or any other basis prohibited by federal, state, or local law.

Women, People of Color, and LGBTQ people strongly urged to apply and self-identify in the application.

We’re a multi-racial team committed to justice and equity, and believe our ability to collaborate and achieve high impact is made stronger by diversity across a variety of identities and life experiences. We’re committed to high standards and working with deep respect for one another.

Applications will only be accepted electronically. We are seeking to fill this position as soon as possible; applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, and deadline to apply is Friday, July 27.

Interested applicants should submit a resume, cover letter, and writing sample to Davida Ginsberg at [email protected].

In the cover letter, please speak directly to:

  • Each point in the required and ideal qualifications, noting which skills you already have and which are growing edges
  • Your weekly hours of availability and a daytime number where we can contact you.
  • The other major projects you’re involved with and your role in them (so that we have a sense of your other commitments).
  • On a scale of 1-10 how reliable you would rate yourself and how reliable other members of your team(s) would rate you (1 being extremely unreliable and 10 being impeccable in following through on your commitments). Reliability here means your ability to follow through on the commitments you’ve made to others.

This role is 10-20 hours per week.

Salary: Compensation is negotiable. Our current staff practices needs based compensation. If you are the right person to join our team, we are committed to meeting your financial needs.


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  • Biz Ghormley
    published this page in Job Board 2018-07-06 17:35:43 -0400