Following a robust year of identity-based professional development and peer support in 2022, EPIP's People of Color Network (PCN) is back for a year of building stronger relationships, philanthropic skills, and collective power. Join EPIP and the PCN for the kick-off session of 2023 on March 23!
The PCN is a professional development and peer support network for EPIP members who identify as people of color. The PCN began in 2012 to support early- and mid-career people of color in philanthropy in attending sector conferences. Since then, it has evolved to involve workshops and networking opportunities. The PCN uses the EPIP Inclusive Leadership Framework as a basis for skill-building and focus.
EPIP Communities of Practice are designed for EPIP members. Not a member yet? Visit our membership page to learn more and join this community of equity-minded changemakers.
Questions about our communities of practice? Reach out to [email protected].
We look forward to connecting with this robust community!

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