MC MaL | Influencing & Fundraising Resources

This month, EPIP is highlighting the Measuring a Leader skills of Influencing and Fundraising.

Influencing & fundraising imageSocial change leaders:

  • inspire and influence others
  • influence funding partners to join collaborative projects
  • raise resources for community organizations they support

Here are a few resources that can help strengthen your Influencing and Fundraising skills. What are some of your favorite Influencing and Fundraising resources? Share them in the comments section!

EPIP webinars

EPIP blog posts

Resources from other organizations

Influencing & fundraising textDon’t forget! Your EPIP membership allows you to access special discounts for subscriptions and memberships to our partner organizations including the Chronicle of Philanthropy, Foundation Review, National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy, and other great resources:

How are you developing your Influencing and Fundraising skills? What are some of your favorite tools, articles, resources? Share them in the comments below!

VIDEOS: EPIP Members Talking About Influencing and Fundraising

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