Join EPIP Bay Area for a viewing and discussion of Patriot Act with Hasan Minhaj’s episode “Why Billionaires Won’t Save Us.” In this episode, Hasan turns his hilarious spotlight onto philanthropy, exploring why the wealthiest Americans give their money, and what impacts they’re achieving with their gifts.
We’ll watch the 30-minute episode and discuss over popcorn. We hope to see you there!
**UPDATE AS OF MARCH 9** In the midst of the rapidly evolving coronavirus situation in the Bay Area, we want to ensure we're prioritizing our EPIP community's health and safety - so we're taking this viewing party online! Login details will be shared with those who RSVP. We will miss being together with everyone in person, but will do our best to create an online environment conducive to collective learning and action.
We’ll watch the 30-minute episode and discuss over popcorn. We hope to see you there! Online - login details to be announced EPIP Bay Area [email protected] false MM/DD/YYYY 60 use-title

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