About A Wider Bridge
Equality IN Israel- Equality FOR Israel. A Wider Bridge (AWB) is the North American organization working through education, advocacy, relationship-building and grant-making to create equality in Israel by expanding LGBTQ inclusion in Israel, and equality for Israel by cultivating constructive engagement with Israel.
AWB has a $1.8M operating budget, a staff of 7 and has a national presence with an office in New York City.
For more information about AWB, go to https://awiderbridge.org/.
About the Position
AWB seeks a professional with demonstrated experience and success in five critical areas: strategic thinking, building partnerships, strengthening and developing community relationships, executive leadership and management and resource development. S/he/they must have deep, intimate knowledge of domestic and global issues affecting these three communities: LGBTQ, Jewish, and Israel. The ability to craft and articulate a vision, whereby AWB continues to be a significant advocate (or voice, or influence) in the intersection of these communities is critical. The charter to grow community, build relationships and enhance the positioning and role of AWB make this opportunity unique.
About Your Responsibilities
Strategic Vision and Executive Management
- Provide and develop strategic vision and leadership for the organization, the Board, staff and the larger community
- Assess the current landscape and continue to expand the position of AWB as a central leader in the LGBTQ, Jewish, Israeli communities
- Foster an attitude and culture of professionalism, respect and enthusiasm among the staff
- Continue to create processes and effective measures to elevate the internal operations
Community Builder and Presence
- Set, foster and model a positive and collaborative environment within the organization and in the greater LGBTQ, Jewish, and Israeli communities
- Be the voice and presence for the organization; speak on panels, write articles, and represent the communities in a positive, pro-active manner
- Understands and embraces the ability to engage members and organizations of the affiliated and non-affiliated Jewish community
- Develop and nurture a culture of collaboration with the LGBTQ community in Israel
Advocacy and Programming
- Be an advocate for critical issues affecting the LGBTQ, Jewish, Israeli communities throughout North American and in Israel
- Manage the process for developing missions to Israel, from Israel and regional events
- Create a marketing approach/plan intended to raise AWB’s profile, engage the wider community, and drive connection to AWB
Fundraising and Financial Stewardship
- Be personally active in building relationships with major donors, including the community’s multi-generational families, and soliciting these major contributors to the annual campaign, endowment and special projects
- Create and maintain relationships with foundations who support AWB; look for prospects to expand grants from the institutional giving space
- Lead the professional team responsible for planning financial resource development within the organization, with emphasis on the development and execution of effective strategies in order to increase both funds received and number of donors
- Develop Annual Budget in collaboration with Board of Directors and monitor implementation of approved budget during the course of the year
- Monitor financial performance monthly in relation to the budget and cash flow and advise the Board appropriately
Governance and Lay Leadership Development
- Collaborate with the Board to shape, focus and prioritize future plans for the role of the Board and its committees; help plan Board meetings and agendas with Board Chair
- Be a partner with the Board Chair, Board, donors, and partners to cultivate, recruit, and retain effective placement of, and maintain relationships with, top lay leadership and leadership prospects
About Your Experience
- Experience in building strong relationships with professionals and lay leaders; understands how to collaborate and listen
- Proven leadership in the Jewish communal, LGBTQ, Israeli, and/or Israeli advocacy space
- Strong strategic thinking skills and understands how to create and communicate a vision
- Professional experience and demonstrated success in all areas of fundraising, solicitation, planning and implementation/financial resource development
- Excellent interpersonal, political and diplomatic skills, along with the ability to lead and partner with integrity and humility
- Flexibility and openness to working with professional and volunteer leaders in a variety of different communities
- Creative and innovative leader; demonstrated success in developing, empowering and leading staff, resulting in high performing teams
Top 3 Reasons to Work for AWB
#1 AWB does what no one else does.
AWB fills a place in the Jewish, LGBTQ, and Israeli space where no other organization sits. AWB is unique and powerful and stands on its own with partners throughout the nation and in Israel. Who wouldn’t want to work for an organization like that?
#2 AWB puts their money where their mouth is.
AWB is an advocate and a voice for the community, and AWB gives grants to LGBTQ organizations in Israel. Over the past three years AWB has consistently increased the dollar amount of the grants it awards and is now one of the most significant funders in the Israeli LGBTQ landscape.
#3 This is just the beginning for AWB.
AWB was founded by Arthur Slepian a decade ago, and they have grown tremendously since reaching more and more people each year and becoming a trusted and respected voice in the communities they serve. AWB has the nimbleness, flexibility and vigor of a start-up. If you have grown something and enjoy putting processes and strategy into place, AWB is a perfect fit.
About DRG
DRG is a Talent Advisory Group. We serve nonprofit organizations that care for, inspire, and enrich the lives of people all over the world. Our team of talent advisors shares a commitment to the values that matter to our clients, bringing more than 30 years of experience to serving the nonprofit community.
This position description is based upon material provided by A Wider Bridge, an equal opportunity employer.
Ami Abramson, Chief Strategy Officer
Sarah Raful Whinston, Senior Search Consultant
Yasmine Coccoli, Associate
To apply
To apply to this position please visit www.DRGsearch.com
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