Track 1: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in Philanthropy -- Accomplishments and Unfinished Business
Efforts to advance diversity, equity and inclusion in philanthropy have been under way for some time, and have been gaining particular traction in recent years. At the same time, the results of these efforts lag behind what we’ve hoped to see. For example, a recent report by the D5 Coalition found that people of color still make up less than 10 percent of foundation CEOs and less than 20 percent of foundation executives. What progress have we made? What remains to be done? How can EPIP members help make diversity, equity and inclusion a reality in their institutions? And how can we ensure that changes in institutional practice translate into meaningful social change?
Track 2: Place, Power, Politics and Philanthropy -- Learnings from Baltimore and Beyond
Philanthropy has a long track record of investing in place-based work -- urban revitalization alone has been a significant focus over the past 40 years. While this work continues, philanthropy’s approaches to supporting and advancing it are evolving, with strategies like collective impact and tools like data and technology taking on greater significance. At the same time, movements for equity like #BlackLivesMatter are emerging, rooted in places but also transcending both place and in some cases formalized nonprofit infrastructure altogether. What can we learn from our history of investment as we consider how philanthropy can fuel meaningful, systemic change in this critical moment and beyond?
Track 3: Leadership for Equity in the 21st Century
At a time when the philanthropic community is getting more comfortable talking explicitly about equity, our tools and philosophies about how to achieve it are also evolving. Equity funders and advocates are adding cross-sector partnerships, technology and increasingly savvy approaches to combating institutional bias to their toolkits. What does it look like to lead in this day and age? This track will explore new and time-honored models of organizing, leading and driving social change in philanthropy and beyond.
Track 4: Healing Spaces to Replenish the Soul *new track just announced*
Closed Group Healing Sessions will run throughout the day on September 14. Sessions are custom designed to best serve different racial identity groups and will be conducted with up to 25 participants in each group. EPIP attendees will be guided through an experience where they are encouraged to move from “head work” to “heart work” as they explore how their souls are impacted by and connected to the philanthropic work that they do. Sign up for sessions live at the conference registration table at the event. Click here to learn more about the track and the session facilitator.
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