As the election nears, we are thinking about what comes next for the sector’s conversations on race and equity…
- EPIP joined with a number of other philanthropic institutions in signing an open letter from Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees (GCIR), Philanthropy Must Confront Our Country’s History of Racist Immigration Policies.
- A new report from Building Movement Project, On the Frontlines: Nonprofits Led by People of Color Confront COVID-19 and Structural Racism, finds that POC-led nonprofits are bracing for future moments of crisis and filling gaps left by government programs, while the work is taking a toll on their leaders, especially those who are women of color.
…looking at ways that grantmaking practices will continue to be impacted by this tumultuous year...
- A study by Center for Effective Philanthropy (CEP) finds that very few foundations historically give multiyear general operating support and profiles five that make the case for its importance.
- An article by Michael Moody and Danielle LaJoie in Chronicle of Philanthropy looks at the role that family funders can play in responding to 2020 crises as a result of their long-term relationships in the community and makes recommendations including increasing giving and rethinking funding practices.
...and enjoying the resources shared this month by EPIP chapters.
On Self-Care
- The Coronavirus Is a Special Mental-Health Disaster (EPIP DC)
- Why It Feels Hard to Make Decisions Right Now (EPIP Colorado)
- How anxiety affects your focus (EPIP DC)
On Philanthropy
- Foundations, stop playing the reckless game of Funding-Chicken (EPIP LA)
- One Journey: Racial Equity, Diversity & Inclusion at the WK Kellogg Foundation (EPIP DC)
On Race & Equity
- What It Means To Be A 'Person Of Color': Code Switch (EPIP Colorado)
- How the Best Bosses Interrupt Bias on Their Teams (EPIP Colorado)
On What Comes Next
- Episode 412 - Where Do We Go From Here? (EPIP LA)
- Opinion | Yes, We Mean Literally Abolish the Police (EPIP Bay Area - article club)
Have something new on your reading list? Is there a resource you'd like the EPIP community to know about? Let us know at [email protected] and we may include it in a future newsletter.
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