What role does philanthropy have to play in our current moment? As many call for action now...
- ABFE calls on the philanthropic sector to increase investments in Black-led organizations, push for structural change beyond emergency response efforts, use endowments to bring greater resources to critical issues, and more in their Statement on COVID and Police Shootings
- Sidney Hargro, president of Philanthropy Network Greater Philadelphia, challenges philanthropy to confront white supremacist practices, commit to dismantling white supremacy, and prioritize liberation as a philanthropic goal.
...others caution that philanthropy must commit to change for the long-term...
- In a Chronicle of Philanthropy interview, Equity in the Center ED Kerrien Suarez says, "Folks have dropped these very "woke" statements. Will they now live into the anti-racist values that they professed?"
- In NPQ, Will Cordery reflects on the efforts of philanthropy after Ferguson, echoing a call that he made four years ago: “Imagine if institutional philanthropy strengthened its mutual trust with social movements by matching our grantmaking strategies with movement-building principles."
- In SSIR, Kristen Grimm looks at the power of narrative to shape our actions and asks the sector to be purposeful as we ask three key questions about the current moment - What Happened, What Now, and What Next.
...and many reflect on the changes that philanthropy still needs to do from within.
- In the PEAK Grantmaking Journal, Darius Soler writes about being Black, gay, and gender non-binary in the philanthropic sector, asking "Why does it seem that [grantmaking organizations] have all the energy to be innovative thought leaders in their philanthropic work, but too often fall short when it comes to building a thriving and inclusive culture?"
- Philanthropy OUTlook: LGBTQ Latinx Communities, produced by Funders for LGBTQ Issues and Hispanics in Philanthropy (HIP), takes a look at the severe funding disparities faced by LGBTQ Latinx communities. Key facts: this funding landscape is driven by a small set of grantmakers and has never exceeded $5 million per year (excluding OneOrlando Fund grantmaking in the wake of the Pulse Nightclub Massacre).
- The 2020 Update on LGBTQ AAPI Funding looks at funding for LGBTQ AAPI communities since the 2015 release of Philanthropy OUTlook: LGBTQ Asian American and Pacific Islander Communities and finds that not much as changed, with total funding hovering around $1 million total per year.
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