Past Event – What if Someone Asked You to Create A Foundation? Featuring Mark Spalding

Wednesday, April 23, 2014 11:45 am - 1 pm Imagine getting a phone call from someone who wants you to create a foundation!  What would you fund; who would you fund; how would you invest your endowment; what strategies would you employ; how transparent would you be? These are just some of the exciting questions we will ask Mark Spalding, president of The Ocean Foundation.  It will also help us think about what advice we might give if ever someone asks for our help with a foundation... Bring your ideas and your questions! Note: Please plan to arrive at 11:45am for networking and to grab lunch. The program will start promptly at 12pm. About Mark Spalding: Mark Spalding has been the President of The Ocean Foundation since its founding 10 years ago.  Under his leadership, it has grown exponentially from a $200,000 to $5 million/year budget, and he has prioritized its focus on steering the human relationship with the sea to a brighter future through diverse, carefully chosen strategies and projects.  Mark drove the design and establishment of the Alaska Oceans Program, the Shipping Safety Partnership, the Loreto Bay Foundation and the St. Kitts Foundation.  Mark is the advisor to the Rockefeller Ocean Strategy (an unprecedented ocean-centric investment fund), and designed the first-ever blue carbon offset program, SeaGrass Grow! Mark was recently appointed by the UN to its Pool of Experts for the UN World Ocean Assessment. From 1994 to 2003, Mark was the Director of the Environmental Law and Civil Society Program, and Editor of the Journal of Environment and Development, at UCSD’s Graduate School of International Relations & Pacific Studies (IR/PS). In addition to lecturing at IR/PS, Mark has taught at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD's Muir College, UC Berkeley's Goldman School of Public Policy, and University of San Diego's School of Law.  He was a research fellow at UCSD's Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, a Sustainability Institute – Donella Meadows Leadership Fellow and a SeaWeb Senior Fellow.  He holds a B.A. in history with Honors from Claremont McKenna College, a J.D. from Loyola Law School, and a Master in Pacific International Affairs (MPIA) from IR/PS.  He is a graduate of the British School of Motor Racing. Sign up today!

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