Sankofa Summer: Week 2 Preview

EPIP's virtual learning series, Sankofa Summer, kicked off last week with healing, reflection, and inspiration.

  • Our Opening Plenary featured a free-flowing conversation between women of color leaders from EPIP's past and present, with words of wisdom including:

"Everything you do in philanthropy takes good research and courage." - Linetta Gilbert, EPIP Initial Angel Investor

"I believe we are all powerful in our own ways, whatever our titles may be. It's what we do with that power that matters." - Storme Gray, EPIP Executive Director

  • Healing Justice 101 session asked participants to consider what sustains us in our work, which personal and structural barriers deplete us, and how impacts of oppression show up within ourselves, our institutions, and our communities. The facilitators, Erika Totten and Naimah Efia, then shared strategies for applying healing justice to individuals, organizations, and communities.
  • And our opening Happy Hour brought together the community for fun and conversation.

In week 2, Sankofa Summer will help you deepen your understanding and practice of philanthropy. Join us for:

  • The Missing Ingredient in Land Acknowledgements, which uses The Kresge Foundation’s land acknowledgment as a case study for why land acknowledgments are important and how to deepen investments in Native-led organizations and Native communities.

And we’re only on week 2! Over the next month we'll have sessions on everything from Reimagining Evaluation and Research in Service of Racial Equity to Navigating Entrenched Philanthropic Systems from Within.

Click here to register and join us!


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