In September 2024, The Overbrook Foundation is offering a fellowship for graduate students interested in philanthropy, safeguarding human rights defenders in Latin America, and promoting free elections and reproductive rights in the United States. The Overbrook Fellowship provides an opportunity for graduate students in the New York area to partner with Overbrook Foundation senior leadership as the Foundation undertakes time-sensitive policy and grantmaking strategies. Fellows will work closely with Overbrook’s Human Rights program team on a topic related to the Foundation’s core mission and values.
The Human Rights Fellow's responsibilities will be shaped by various factors, encompassing experience, interests, and focus areas. However, the primary focus for the fellow will be managing one or two research projects aligned with the strategic priorities of the Human Rights portfolio at Overbrook. These projects may involve investigating issues at the intersection of advancing reproductive rights and democracy in the United States, as well as mapping and analyzing the impact of year-round voter engagement strategies. Additionally, the fellow will be engaged in identifying and assisting with the evaluation of potential grantees involved in specific work or projects relevant to the program's portfolio. Other duties include the development of case studies to highlight the impact of grantees and conducting a comprehensive literature review on philanthropic best practices, evaluating strategies and tactics employed by grantees, and providing recommendations for the Foundation's assessment of the operational health of nonprofit organizations.
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