EPIP Boston Member Spotlight: Trevor Pollack, Steering Committee Co-Chair
Introducing our new feature! EPIP Boston's Member Spotlight will periodically highlight a member of our EPIP Boston family. To recommend yourself or someone else for a spotlight feature, drop us a line!
NAME: Trevor Pollack
ORGANIZATION: Barr Foundation
POSITION: Manager of Special Projects
FAVORITE CHILDHOOD TOY: "Definitely LEGOs. I loved the balance of precision and creativity. For a long time I wanted to be an architect."
Hi, Trevor! First, tell us a little about your time with EPIP Boston. How did you get involved? How long has it been?
Former EPIP Steering Committee members who knew I wanted to explore a career in philanthropy invited me to an EPIP networking event in spring 2014. I became more involved after joining Barr that summer, joined the SC in spring 2015, and was elected co-chair in spring 2016.
Tell us about your role within your organization.
As manager of special projects, I wear many hats—never a dull moment! I serve as program officer for Barr’s investments in effective philanthropy and a strong nonprofit sector infrastructure, and for special initiatives, such as Barr’s effort to help Boston realize a great public realm throughout the waterfront. I also support the Foundation’s growing Board of Trustees and our executive leadership.
Tell us a little about your background. How did you realize you wanted to work in the social sector?
My first love has always been music, and I ended up earning a liberal arts degree in musicology and music theory. I had little clue of what I wanted to do after school until a professor pointed out I’d been serving as an arts administrator in several roles on campus and might want to pursue that professionally. After a summer internship and then over the course of five years managing foundation, government, and corporate relations for a professional chorus and orchestra in Boston, I realized I was interested in the unique field-level perspective philanthropy can take, how it can connect the dots and take a long-term view.
How has your EPIP experience been valuable to you?
Participating in a group as collaborative as the Boston Steering Committee has been a great, hands-on learning experience. It’s a very flat organizational structure—we’re all peers—so it was an interesting exercise to help lead the group. And of course, the networking and learning with peers from across disciplines is invaluable.
So, what’s next for you?
I’m entering Northeastern University’s Master of Public Administration program this fall. I’m glad I can continue working full time at Barr while studying part time, though life will be a little different!
Finally, tell us about something on your bucket list.
Congratulations, Trevor, on your acceptance to Northeastern University - and thank you for all of your hard work in moving EPIP Boston forward!
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