EPIP Colorado invites you to our virtual September Coffee Chat: Self Care and Surviving the Hellscape that is American Politics.
How are you keeping up to speed on the candidates and issues you care about? How do you navigate conversations with those who do and don't share your perspectives? Come chat with your philanthropy peers as we all share advice for staying engaged - and sane - in the weeks leading up to Election Day. Feel free to enjoy your coffee and breakfast snack!
Register here. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the event.
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09/17/2020 09:00:00
09/17/2020 10:00:00
EPIP CO | September Coffee Chat
Check https://www.epip.org/epipco_coffeechat_09_09 for the latest info.
September 17, 2020 at 9:00am - 10am
Mountain Time (US & Canada)
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