EPIP LA | 2022 Mentorship Program

EPIP LA is thrilled to announce that it is accepting applications for its ninth year of the Mentorship Program.

Through its Mentorship Program, EPIP LA aims to provide participants with the tools needed to develop and maintain meaningful connections with experienced leaders and their peers. 

The EPIP LA Mentorship program connects an emerging leader in the philanthropic field with a seasoned leader to serve as a mentor and like-minded peers to support them on their journey. 

Participants meet to discuss their individual professional interests and brainstorm potential matches. The Steering Committee assists in matching each participant with a mentor in the field who is available to meet on a regular basis for the year (approximately four meetings total). On alternate months, the cohort of mentees meets to discuss their professional challenges, progress on personal goals, and to share learning from their mentor relationships. Participants need to be available at least once a month for the duration of the program.

To apply for the 2022 Mentorship Program cohort, click here. Applications are due by Friday, December 17, 2021. Applicants must be available to participate in an evening group interview during the second week of January (tentatively January 14th) and willing to commit to the full year of the program if selected.

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the time commitment required to participate?
Approximately three to four hours per month, through the end of the calendar year.

Do I need to have already identified a potential mentor to apply?
No. The program will walk you through the matching process. 

How many mentees will be accepted?
Five to eight individuals will be accepted.

How does the matching process work?
During the interview process, applicants are asked to identify key knowledge and experience they would seek in a mentor. After selected to be a part of the Mentorship Program, the Mentorship Program Chair, and Steering Committee will work one-on-one with the mentee to curate and prioritize a list of potential mentors. 

Will I have to personally contact someone to be my mentor?
No. The Mentorship Program Chair will contact a potential mentor on your behalf to explain the program and establish expectations prior to the mentor committing to the program.

How much does it cost to participate?
In accordance with current EPIP policy, meetings with your cohort and mentor will be held virtually. As such, there are no costs involved with participating in the program.

Where will the meetings be held?
Cohort meetings will be planned and scheduled by members of the cohort, based on availability and convenience. We ask mentees and mentors to observe social distancing guidelines while they remain in place and plan to meet over phone, Zoom, or other virtual options.


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  • Michelle Dominguez
    commented 2021-11-17 18:45:16 -0500
    Sounds like a great opportunity—thank you to those who work to make this possible!
  • LeAnn Melendez
    published this page in Blog 2021-11-11 12:48:00 -0500