A message from Kelly Trop & Tyler Nickerson.
We find ourselves in this political moment with more questions than answers. Our strategies need evaluation. Our policy goals need readjustment. The constituencies we support are more vulnerable than before. Many of us were already moving against the grain towards a more just and equitable society, and the path just got a lot tougher.
In many ways, the election cemented what we already knew: local actions and community are more important than ever to achieving deep impact. Local philanthropies’ working together, as a DMV Region, will be even more critical and necessary. As a local sector, we must continue to find ways to move from independence to inter-dependence.
This is the perspective that we, as EPIP DC’s newly elected Co-Chairs, hold in this moment. We know that the strength of local philanthropy is built in part on the energy and innovation of emerging leaders in the field. Our EPIP community is key to the impact philanthropy is able to have, and, most important, key to building the strength of the communities for which we all care deeply. EPIP’ers have voices, skills, and networks to contribute to the influence and stewardship of valuable resources. EPIP’ers are ready to lead, bust down silos, and lend our voice to the imperatives of the day.
The EPIP DC Steering Committee is excited to be kicking off 2017 from a position of strength, and we’re ready to seize this moment! For the past few years, the EPIP DC chapter has built a sizeable membership base, provided varied programming, and shared opportunities to grow leadership skills. As more emerging leaders are hired into the sector and provide new, diverse voices in the work, EPIP DC must grow with them.
We seek to enhance and expand the Chapter’s work with keeping the health and strength of our community at the center. Our emergent strategies include:
- Thinking more broadly about our role in the region’s philanthropic community, including Northern Virginia and Maryland
- Developing robust partnerships with other funders and the local philanthropic infrastructure
- Reaching new levels of thought leadership with our programming
- Engaging members sooner, more deeply, and with urgency
All of this is built on the platform of strong communications, robust infrastructure, and ample resources. This is our vision and over the next year we hope to take steps in making it a reality.
We need your energy and passion this next year to bring forward new ideas, push the conversation in philanthropy, and help make EPIP DC a meaningful brand from which employers want to recruit. We look forward to serving you in 2017 and to all of the great work ahead.
In partnership,
Kelly Trop & Tyler Nickerson
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