You’re invited to EPIP-CO’s fall Coffee Chat! RSVP here as space is limited. We’ll be at Fluid Coffee House from 8:30am-10:00am to chat about EPIP’s Dissonance and Disconnects Report. The report is based on a survey of entry-and mid-level foundation staff, and discusses their experiences and challenges in the field of philanthropy. A few key findings:
- Only 22% of respondents see a future for themselves at their institutions
- Only 21% of respondents perceive the culture of philanthropy to be inclusive of all backgrounds
- Only 51% of respondents perceive philanthropy to be an effective player in social change
Where do your experiences fall in the context of the survey’s questions? What can we do to support each other in improving these stats? What do they mean for our work?
Come discuss the report and what it means for yourself and the future of philanthropy, while meeting people and drinking something delicious. Arrive between 8:30am-9:00am, grab a cuppa or a snack, and get to know some new folks (or catch up with old friends). We’ll start our discussion at 9:00am, and finish at 10:00am.

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