EPIP Boston | May Breakfast Discussion: Feedback Loops—Breakfast of [Philanthropy] Champions

“Feedback is the breakfast of champions.” –Ken Blanchard

Effective feedback loops are an essential way to address funder/grantee power dynamics and ensure that funder practices really do support nonprofit partners. Being thoughtful and engaged listeners also helps funders plan and assess our own work. But knowing how to best obtain feedback, analyze it, and share it is not always easy—especially when we expand our feedback loops to include both nonprofit partners and the individuals they serve.

Join your peers in philanthropy as we discuss:

  • Ways we can develop and incorporate feedback loops for nonprofit partners and beneficiaries into our grantmaking practices
  • Successful ways that others have shared what they learned from feedback both internally and externally
  • Likely hurdles we will encounter along the way with feedback loops and how to get ahead of them.

Less familiar with this subject? Read this Fund for Shared Insight report or recent Center for Effective Philanthropy blog posts here and here as primers on feedback loops before the breakfast.

Add to Calendar 05/16/2017 08:30:00 05/16/2017 09:30:00 America/New_York EPIP Boston | May Breakfast Discussion: Feedback Loops—Breakfast of [Philanthropy] Champions Check https://www.epip.org/epip_boston_may_breakfast_discussion for the latest info. 10 St James Ave, Boston, MA 02116, United States
May 16, 2017 at 8:30am - 9:30am Eastern Time (US & Canada)
10 St. James/75 Arlington Atrium
10 St James Ave
Boston, MA 02116
United States
Google map and directions

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