We're creating shared space to connect. How can we work in solidarity to elevate philanthropy in Minnesota? How can we learn from one another?
Lunch is provided.
On the Agenda:
· Welcome-introduce AAPIP & EPIP chapter chairs
· Margie @ Northwest Area Foundation provides a brief 5-15 minute welcome to NWAF
· AAPIP brief overview - Tosha Cox & Kristen Marx
· EPIP brief overview - Erin Speltz & Scott Labott
· Networking-APIP & EPIP members socialize and come up with ideas on events/opportunities to collaborate - Tosha/Scott
· Call to Action open discussion of next steps on collaboration
Check out more about Asian American/Pacific Islanders in Philanthropy here.
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08/08/2019 12:00:00
08/08/2019 13:30:00
EPIP-AAPIP Minnesota Lunch
Check https://www.epip.org/epip_aapip_minnesota_lunch for the latest info.
60 Plato Blvd, #400, Saint Paul, MN 55107, United States
August 08, 2019 at 12:00pm - 1:30pm
Central Time (US & Canada)
Northwest Area Foundation
60 Plato Blvd
Saint Paul, MN 55107
United States
Google map and directions
60 Plato Blvd
Saint Paul, MN 55107
United States
Google map and directions
Scott Labott

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