Click here to explore the full conference agenda.
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Conference Schedule At-A-Glance
Monday 07/30 |
8:00am - 8:00pm |
Registration Desk Open |
8:00am - 1:00pm
Chapter Leader Gathering (CLG) (Open to active EPIP Chapter Leaders only) |
1:00pm - 4:30pm | Learning Tours |
1:30pm - 4:00pm |
Board Leadership Institute (Advance registration required) |
4:30pm - 7:00pm
People of Color Network (PCN) Gathering (Open to PCN members only) |
7:00pm - 8:30pm | Welcome Reception |
Tuesday 7/31 |
6:30am - 7:15am | Morning Movements: Qi Gong |
8:00am - 8:00pm | Registration Desk Open |
8:00am - 8:30am |
First Time Attendee Orientation |
9:00am - 10:30am |
Opening Breakfast Plenary |
10:00am - 6:00pm |
Healing Space Open to All |
10:30am - 11:00am |
Book signing: adrienne maree brown Networking Break |
10:30am - 12:30pm | **Naming Your Chains & Setting Yourself Free For people who identify as Black |
11:15am - 12:30pm | Breakout Sessions |
12:45pm - 2:15pm | Lunch Plenary |
2:30pm - 3:45pm | Breakout Sessions & Pop-Up Discussion |
2:30pm - 4:30pm | **Naming Your Chains & Setting Yourself Free For people who identify as Persons of Color |
3:45pm - 4:15pm | Networking Break |
4:30pm - 5:45pm | Breakout Sessions & Pop-Up Discussion |
5:00pm - 7:00pm | **Human Ecology of Being For people who identify as White |
6:30pm - 9:00pm | Dine Arounds |
Wednesday 8/1 |
6:30am - 7:15am | Morning Movements: Qi Gong |
8:00am - 1:00pm | Healing Space Open to All |
9:00am - 10:30am | Emerging Leader Salon Breakfast Plenary |
10:45am - 12:00pm | Emerging Leader Salon Breakout Sessions |
12:00pm - 1:15pm |
Networking Lunch |
1:30pm - 2:30pm |
Chapter Leader Debrief (Open to active EPIP Chapter Leaders only) |
** Denotes a special session facilitated by Unchained Visioning. Each session is differentiated by racial identity to provide an experience that is safe and tailored to participants for their healing and rejuvenation. Limited to 25 participants per session - advanced sign-up required. Check the conference app for instructions.
Please note that the schedule and programming is subject to change