How can you act “beyond the job title” to influence the way your organization works? Join EPIP Seattle for a brown bag lunch discussion (free for members and friends)!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Century Square Building - 3rd Floor Conference Center
1501 4th Avenue
12:00 - 1:30pm
RSVP now!
Holly Wolfe, Program Associate at The Russell Family Foundation will break down what successful change looks like with real-life examples and explore practical approaches to bring new perspectives to your institution.
This interactive, peer-learning, brown bag luncheon will dive into deeper issues: What change agendas in philanthropy are emerging professionals ideally positioned to address? What are the characteristics of institutions where emerging professionals can thrive? Where do we feel constrained? What responsibilities do we have to our organizations and to ourselves? What are we afraid of?
Together participants will: (1) share their experiences (2) identify common trends (3) workshop their challenges (4) and develop new solutions. The goal of this session is that each person will walk away with tangible ideas and peer support to take on a change agenda at their own philanthropic institution.
Bring your lunch and join in the discussion!
This event is free for EPIP members and friends. Please RSVP so we make sure to have enough seats!
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