Donna Stark, Vice President Talent & Leadership Development

The Annie E. Casey Foundation
As Vice President for Talent and Leadership Development at the Annie E. Casey Foundation, Donna is responsible for leading the Foundation’s human capital management strategy internally (with staff) and with externally (with leaders and grantees). This includes managing the Human Resources Department and national grant making in leadership and capacity development. Donna manages the Leadership Development Unit, including the Foundation’s Children and Family Fellowship and Fellowship Alumni Network, the Leadership in Action Program, the Atlanta Leaders for Results, the Juvenile Justice Applied Leadership Network, the Leadership Institute for State Based Advocacy and the Child Welfare Agents of Change programs. Donna and her team are also leading the Foundation’s work on embedding a culture of results in all of our work, coordinating staff professional development, supporting and advancing public sector and neighborhood based leadership development.

Before joining the Foundation in 1994, Donna was the first State Director of the Children and Family Systems Reform Initiative for the State of Maryland. She also taught at the Ohio State University and the University of Maryland and directed several private, non-profit organizations that provided both community-based and residential services to children and adults.

Donna Stark received her Ph.D. in Counseling and Human Development from the Ohio State University.

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