It’s an exciting time here at EPIP! Amidst our first few months as an independent entity, we are thrilled to be building towards our first in-person conference since before the pandemic which will take place in June 2024.
EPIP conferences are uniquely special: the only conference of its kind focused on leadership and professional development for early- and mid-career practitioners in the philanthropic sector. Beyond that, our conferences reflect the same ethos we bring to all of our programming: rather than performing professionalism, we encourage our members to come as they are, build deep relationships rooted in authenticity, and contribute their own wisdom towards group learning while they learn the skills and competencies needed to be inclusive philanthropic leaders and advance greater equity in the sector.
Part of how we build such special conferences is that the conference committee is, in itself, a community-building and leadership-development opportunity. Rather than recruiting particular foundation representatives to be on the committee, we ask members to volunteer to serve based on their capacity, enthusiasm, and professional development needs. In this way, the committee contributes to the conference tone, content, fundraising, accessibility, and local artist and vendor recruitment.
We hope you’ll consider joining us to grow your own skills and relationships in the philanthropic sector. For more information and to submit your interest, please visit our interest form. Applications are due September 14th. Questions? Email [email protected].
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