Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies (MACP) is the umbrella over the grantmaking foundations created by the late Margaret Cargill: Margaret A. Cargill Foundation and Anne Ray Foundation. MACP provides meaningful support through long-term relationships with strategic grantee partners across seven program domains: Environment, Disaster Relief & Recovery, Arts & Cultures, Teachers, Animal Welfare, Quality of Life, and Legacy & Opportunity. The collective assets of MACP place it among the 10 largest philanthropies in the United States.
The two foundations have separate boards and investment portfolios but share a mission of providing meaningful assistance and support to society, the arts, and the environment.
Margaret A. Cargill Foundation is a private foundation that came into existence upon Ms. Cargill’s death in August 2006. At year-end 2021, MACP’s assets are approximately $3.7 billion.
Anne Ray Foundation is a supporting organization which may make grants only to beneficiary organizations specifically named by Ms. Cargill. At year-end 2021, ARF’s assets are approximately $5.3 billion.
In December 2021, we formally adopted a DEIJ Vision Statement to guide our work; view it online here.
To learn more, please visit MACP’s Philosophy of Grantmaking.
kpCompanies is leading the search for the next Events Coordinator for Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies. This candidate will partner with the Administrative Support team members and other MACP colleagues to support planning and implementing select internal and external events, including convenings, networking meetings, Board meetings, all employee meals, Culture Club activities, retirement celebrations, and other Foundation-sponsored events.
Click here for more information or to apply.
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