About America Forward and New Profit
New Profit is a pioneering national venture philanthropy organization that backs breakthrough social entrepreneurs who are advancing equity and opportunity in America. New Profit invests in visionary leaders -- both social entrepreneurs and system entrepreneurs -- to help them scale high-impact solutions and achieve systemic change. To date, New Profit has invested over $150 million in scaling innovative organizations' impact.
America Forward is the DC-based nonpartisan policy initiative of New Profit. America Forward's mission is to unite social innovators with policymakers to translate local impact into national change. America Forward advances an education, workforce development, poverty alleviation, and social innovation public policy agenda that advances equity, fosters innovation,and rewards results. Staff of America Forward direct a Coalition of more than 100 leading social innovation organizations that champion innovative, effective, and equitable solutions to our country's most pressing social problems. Our America Forward Coalition members are achieving measurable outcomes in more than 15,000 communities nationwide, touching the lives of 9 million Americans, and driving progress in early learning, K-12 and post secondary education, workforce development, poverty alleviation, national service, social innovation, pay for success and evidence-based policy. America Forward believes that our nation's social innovators can lead the way to unlocking America's potential. Together, we have leveraged $1.7 billion for evidence-based social innovation and have driven millions of federal resources toward programs that are achieving measurable results for those who need them most.
America Forward’s Economic Mobility Manager will be responsible for supporting America Forward’s federal policy and advocacy efforts to advance economic mobility as set forth in its Workforce Development and Economic Justice platform.
In close coordination with America Forward’s Policy Director, Policy Manager, Government Affairs Director, senior consultants, and members of the America Forward Coalition, the Economic Mobility Manager will play a central role in developing and advocating for federal policy solutions that advance America Forward’s workforce development agenda in pursuit of economic mobility. The Economic Mobility Manager will address an array of high-priority policy issues, such as scaling proven workforce development programs and building evidence on promising models; improving data and performance assessment to enable stronger decision-making by participants, local leaders, and policymakers across the system; and empowering innovative, coordinated efforts to better leverage funds to improve participants’ long-term economic mobility and strengthen equity.
This position is a full time position. This project will last 24 months and offers will reflect this time frame.
The starting salary for this role is $80,000, to be adjusted based on experience.
Click here for more information or to apply.
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