Managing Director Strategy, Talent, Operations

GO Public Schools is seeking a Director or Managing Director of Strategy, Talent, and Operations to join our senior leadership team as we embark on a significant, multi-phase reorganization and growth plan. We are a multi-city organization of local networks, working with families and their champions– educators, school leaders, community leaders, elected and appointed officials– to promote and advocate for equitable public education for underserved California communities. Together, we hold systems and leaders accountable for the outcomes they create for students.

Currently, GO supports networks of leaders in the Fresno, Oakland, and West Contra Costa communities through both GO Public Schools (a 501c3) and GO Public Schools Advocates (a 501c4). GO envisions a day when schools prepare all children for success in our rapidly evolving world, creating an equitable path to opportunity in our communities. GO develops leadership at every level—families, educators, school boards, district leaders and grasstops. These leaders inform and develop community visions for student success, and they shape, demand, and win system changes that improve student learning.


Apply Today!

Application Process
Send a resume addressed to Darcel Sanders at [email protected] with the Subject Line “Managing Director, Strategy, Talent, and Operations”

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  • Nadira Fant
    published this page in Job Board 2024-08-07 13:20:39 -0400