MC MaL | Building a Future Together
As we celebrate Black History Month, questions about its purpose will inevitably arise in the public discourse as they do every year. People who buy into the erroneous idea of a post-racial America believe that it’s irrelevant or even harmful. Others argue that setting aside one month ends up diminishing the 400-year old historical legacy of Black Americans.
Read moreMC MaL | Strategy & Analysis Resources
This February, EPIP is highlighting the Measuring a Leader Strategic and Analytical Skills. Social change leaders: Anticipate future needs and trends; Create competitive strategies and plans; and Think broadly when analyzing an issue or presented with a challenge...
Read moreTechnology and Social Change: An interview with Beth Kanter
Voices from the Field: An Interview with Johanna Morariu
In an effort to help EPIP members gain value from the experience of professionals in the field, EPIP has started a new interview series. Blog readers will be able to learn valuable lessons from leaders in the field.
The second interview in this series is with Johanna Morariu. Johanna is a member of EPIP in Washington, D.C. and a Director at Innovation Network. In her position, she works with her colleagues to help funders and nonprofits collect data about their work and improve their results.
Read moreData Visualization 101 for Social Change
By William Fenn, Innovation Network and EPIP-DC
“One page, that’s all you get,” I was told the first time I presented to the board. How is that possible, I thought? I had been running due diligence on this project for months, collecting several hundred pages of budget and proposal information with multiple rounds of revisions. Now I understand the one page limit. I was only working on one small grant out of hundreds that the board would debate – and that wasn’t even considering the documentation the board had to digest about larger strategic planning and operational issues...
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