Francesca Larson
· April 23, 2015 10:21 PM
Webinar Recap- Developing Your Career Narrative
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
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Francesca Larson
· March 29, 2015 8:00 PM
First published in NTEN: Change, March 2015, CC BY-SA 3.0
Virtual Learning for Nonprofits
By Sophia Guevara, Social Media Fellow, Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy (EPIP)
Professional development is important to keep one current and marketable in today’s job market. With my background in distance learning and interest in helping others grow, I have learned to be creative in the tools and techniques I utilize in developing virtual learning sessions.
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Francesca Larson
· March 10, 2015 8:00 PM
1 reaction
By Stephen Alexander, Program Manger, Exponent Philanthropy
For career-minded professionals working in philanthropy—whether in program or administrative roles at foundations, philanthropy support organizations, consulting firms, or academic centers—the field can be a difficult space to navigate. Career paths tend to be limited and unconventional, and, although funders are making great strides in going public with their giving, the field has yet to overcome its tendency toward anonymity.
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Francesca Larson
· November 12, 2013 7:00 PM
Meet our newest coach to join our extraordinary roster of accomplished career and executive coaches: Edward González-Novoa. Eddie has spent the last 20 years developing leaders in education, youth development and community service. He received his undergraduate degree from Princeton University and Masters degrees in Divinity and Education from Harvard.
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Francesca Larson
· September 12, 2013 8:00 PM
Did you have a chance to catch the Stanford Social Innovation Review piece “The Cliff of Unintended Consequences” earlier this year? The authors discuss what we already know to be a sad truth about our sector – the dismal lack of financial resources available for talent development. Additionally, we are up against the mindset that nonprofit workers are so passionate for the cause that they don’t require any attention to their professional development. The business sector gets it, though, equating talent with strong performance. The authors estimate that the nonprofit sector has lost a stunning $36 billion by not having appropriate succession and talent development plans. Wow.
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Francesca Larson
· September 12, 2013 8:00 PM
For those of you in the NYC area, you may be interested to know of the NYU Reynolds R.E.A.L. Workshop Series (Real, Entrepreneurial, Actionable, Learning) designed to support social entrepreneurs and other changemakers with the necessary skills and knowledge that will lead to success. These workshops are open to the public, and nearly all are free (unless otherwise noted). Space is limited, and RSVP is required. You can see the full Fall 2013 schedule here.
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Francesca Larson
· August 21, 2013 8:00 PM
Following is a guest post from Jen Bokoff, Director of GrantCraft, a service of the Foundation Center in New York and the European Foundation Centre in Brussels. Follow her on Twitter at @grantcraft and @jenbo1. When I started work as a program officer at a small private foundation, I had my street smarts, book smarts, and experiences as my compass. There were articles here and there about fascinating trends in philanthropy, some meetings on special topics with other grantmakers in the region, and I followed some doers and shakers in the field on Twitter to hear their 140 character snippets of wise words. What I didn’t have, however, was a toolkit for how to be a thoughtful funder. I didn’t have a go-to resource, and therefore grappled with issues that arose in the course of our foundation’s work that were as simple as, “How do I say no?” and more strategically geared like, “Is our partnership with the government similar to that which other funders experience?” Over time, these questions were explored and answered with my team, but it would have been nice to also learn from the experience of other, more seasoned funders. If only I had known about GrantCraft.
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Francesca Larson
· May 15, 2013 8:00 PM
EPIP is pleased to announce the re-launch of of our career coaching program through the Effective Leadership Career Program (ELCP). Members can read through full coach bios and contact coaches directly for appointments through Member Connect (login required). All coaches are able to provide coaching sessions over the phone, and, in some cases, via video or in-person. To get you started in thinking about the value of coaching, we have some resources for you, courtesy of Amina Dickerson:
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Francesca Larson
· April 23, 2013 8:00 PM
The Los Angeles Chapter of EPIP invites you to their upcoming Spring Leadership Salon: Philanthropy is changing. Are you ready? EPIP LA’s Spring Leadership Salon will address where philanthropy is heading and the qualifications emerging practitioners should develop to prepare for future leadership positions. Please join us and take advantage of the opportunity to ask our speakers your general and specific questions! Space is limited to 20 attendees, so buy your ticket today! When Wednesday, May 1 5:30pm to 8:00pm PT Location Malo 4326 W. Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90029 For more information on this exciting opportunity and to buy tickets, please view the event page at Not a member of EPIP? Join now at
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Francesca Larson
· December 05, 2012 7:00 PM
EPIP members put a lot of focus on their career plans. As individuals, we take stock of what’s going on in the field, what’s next for us, and our professional trajectory. We want to know what impact we are having on the world, if we are meeting our own expectations, and how we are keeping up with our peers.
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