Francesca Larson
· June 27, 2013 8:00 PM
Last month, The Wall Street Journal featured the Laura and John Arnold Foundation in Houston, Texas in an article entitled “The New Science of Giving”. The piece highlighted an operational approach to philanthropy that may be unconventional, although its ideology is not: use data to guide giving. John Arnold is a man of tremendous wealth (about $4 billion) and practically incomparable success (he’s 39 years old) against the odds (a large part of his fortune came in when he correctly predicted how the price of gas would change in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina amidst erroneous calculations by peers). His success was rooted in the same principles that guide his foundation today: statistics. Nate Silver did it with the 2012 presidential election, and as WSJ points out, the household terms of “moneyball” and “freakonomics” are ones we’ve come to trust. So relying on data isn’t new; but employing it in philanthropy – really using it rather than just putting the words “evidence-based” in the president’s note of the annual report – sort of is. Well, it’s had to be. It just costs too much to do it right. Enter the billionaire.
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Francesca Larson
· December 11, 2012 7:00 PM
Check out this perspective from EPIP member and leader, Beth Herz of the Surdna Foundation:
In the weeks following the election, commentators across the political spectrum took note of the evolving face of the voting public. News analysts observed the high turnout among people of color and young people. I heard one reflect: “This is the America of today.
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Francesca Larson
· November 15, 2012 7:00 PM
Joint Affinity Group (JAG) of Southern California is hosting its Annual Leadership Recognition and Holiday Reception, honoring new foundation trustees, CEOs, VPs and emerging leaders...
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Francesca Larson
· November 13, 2012 7:00 PM
Happy National Philanthropy Day! We at EPIP hope you take today to reflect on philanthropy, both professional and personal. The devastation left in the wake of Super Storm Sandy gives us a particular opportunity to be philanthropic. We want to hear your stories about how you are providing support to those affected by the storm. Tweet us at @EPIPnational or post on our Facebook wall about stories of your philanthropy that helps those in need. Those looking to ideas to get involved can check out the following resources:
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Francesca Larson
· November 06, 2012 7:00 PM
EPIP-LA invites you to the launch of our Leadership Salon on Wednesday, November 14 with John E. Kobara, Executive VP and COO of the California Community Foundation. Mr. Kobara will be talking about the importance of mentorships as EPIP LA also announces and seeks your feedback in developing its mentorship program set to launch in late Spring 2013!
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Francesca Larson
· November 26, 2011 7:00 PM
On Wednesday, November 30th NYCVPF will host its annual membership kickoff event. NYC Venture Philanthropy Fund (VPF) is a giving circle of individuals who invest in social entrepreneurs focused on tackling persistent social and economic problems in New York City...
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