Voices from the Field: An Interview with Packard Foundation CEO, Carol Larson
In an effort to help EPIP members gain value from the experience of professionals in the field, EPIP has started a new interview series. Blog readers will be able to learn valuable lessons from leaders in the field. The third interview in this series is with Carol Larson, President and CEO of the David & Lucile Packard Foundation.
Read moreVoices from the Field: An Interview with Johanna Morariu
In an effort to help EPIP members gain value from the experience of professionals in the field, EPIP has started a new interview series. Blog readers will be able to learn valuable lessons from leaders in the field.
The second interview in this series is with Johanna Morariu. Johanna is a member of EPIP in Washington, D.C. and a Director at Innovation Network. In her position, she works with her colleagues to help funders and nonprofits collect data about their work and improve their results.
Read moreA Few Thoughts Towards More Inclusive Philanthropy
By Nadia Owusu, Senior Associate for Knowledge and Organizational Development, Living Cities
“I am a man of substance, of flesh and bone, fiber and liquids-and I might even be said to possess a mind. I am invisible, understand, simply because people refuse to see me.”- Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man
Last summer, I read with interest a slew of articles critiquing the philanthropic sector and calling for large-scale change.
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Voices from the Field: An Interview with Laura Tomasko
In an effort to help EPIP members gain value from the experience of professionals in the field, EPIP is starting a new interview series. Blog readers will be able to learn valuable lessons from leaders in the field.
The first interview in this series is with Laura Tomasko. Laura, a D.C. EPIP member, is a network developer at the Council on Foundations. As a network developer, she spends her time exploring the landscape of social good finance. This includes helping COF members learn about current trends and opportunities within the field...
Read moreCrowdfunding for the Common Good: How Does it Drive Social Change?
By Rachael Young, Program Officer, Mertz Gilmore Foundation and Steering Committee Member, EPIP-NY
Crowdfunding platforms raised an estimated $5.1 billion worldwide in 2013, nearly twice the total for 2012. Although most of this booming investment is in private ventures, mission-driven crowdfunding platforms are also emerging on the leading edge of technology, philanthropy, and social entrepreneurship.
Read moreEvent Recap and Podcast - Tapping the Crowd to Solve Social Inequity
EPIP-NY Event: Tapping the Crowd to Solve Social Inequity
January 22nd
With generous support from the Surdna Foundation, our EPIP-NY chapter partnered with Housing Works Bookstore Cafe to host a fascinating panel discussion on crowdfunding for social change. The distinguished panel explored a number of issues in the emerging field and left attendees with a deeper understanding of crowdfunding’s current impact, and its potential for the future.
Read moreWebinar Flashback - Open Sourcing Social Change
Webinar – Open-Sourcing Social Change: Engaging networks for social justice and leadership development
August 19, 2013
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EPIP Webinar: Bringing Entrepreneurial Skills into Grantmaking Practices on 10/2/13
Bringing Entrepreneurial Skills into Grantmaking Practices
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