NGeners Rock!, The Boat
This guest post was authored by Pickett Slater Harrington, Manager, Program and Practice, Independent Sector NGeners Rock!, The Boat I’ve spent a number of years working alongside NGeners – talented, intelligent, energetic and emerging social sector leaders that range in age from late Generation Xers to Millennials. Here are four characteristics that I’ve seen displayed by NGeners throughout the years that lead me to the conclusion that NGeners Rock! 1. NGeners are non-linear, systems thinkers NGeners have an uncanny ability to think at multiple levels of complexity and make connections between what sometimes seem like different and conflicting ideas. NGeners see the value in working across sectors to learn, adapt, and apply lessons. This stems from a strong desire to change systems, not just the symptoms. This approach lies not just in the way they work, but in the way they think. 2. NGeners build connections and networks purposefully When it comes to network building, NGeners ask the question, “To what end?” They know that the true power of networks is not in sheer numbers, but in the ability to move people to action. To the NGener, it’s not just about how many 1st level contacts you have on LinkedIn or the number of people in your social network, it’s about how you connect and mobilize people to create change. NGeners network purposefully with the end result of social change in mind. 3. NGeners have a failure fearlessness A hallmark of younger generations is a willingness to break with tradition […]
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Join EPIP at Independent Sector Conference 9/30/13
Please join Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy (EPIP), La Piana Consulting and fellow Independent Sector conference participants for a Connections conversation and video premiere: Doing Good in the 21st Century. EPIP and La Piana launched an exciting new initiative at the 2013 EPIP National Conference, which looks more closely at emerging trends among individuals, organizations, and networks that are proving their ability to succeed in the new reality. These conversations were captured on video, which will be premiered at our Connections event.
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