Francesca Larson
· April 21, 2015 9:33 AM
The month of April is buzzing by, and EPIP is continuing to move through the year with great programming from our chapters, a new website design, and final preparations for our annual conference in NOLA. And with all this great planning, we are also moving right along with the search for our next Executive Director.
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Francesca Larson
· March 30, 2015 8:00 PM
As spring begins to reach many parts of the country we are seeing changes in the weather, with leaves and flowers beginning to sprout. Along with the change in seasons we at EPIP are continuing to prepare for a change in leadership with the search for our new Executive Director. Please know that we will accept resumes for the ED position until May 1. Thank you to those of you who have expressed interest by submitting your resumes and we look forward to seeing more applications from our EPIP family.
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Francesca Larson
· March 10, 2015 8:00 PM
Last year we announced the departure of Rahsaan Harris, and though we’ve missed his presence as ED, Emily has done an outstanding job in the interim. The Board of Advisors has formed a search committee and is excited to launch the search for a new ED. Many of you have probably seen the announcement by now via email; you can also find the job description on the EPIP website here. We hope that we can find our new Executive Director right from our extensive EPIP membership. I encourage you to read through the description and consider whether you fit the position. I also encourage you to share the description with your networks! Please send applications (cover letter and resumé) and any inquiries to
[email protected] – Jasmine Hall Ratliff National Advisory Board Chair | Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy
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