Round-up of Blog Posts on EPIP 2011 National Conference
The EPIP 2011 National Conference generated an incredible amount of buzz in philanthropy’s blogosphere. In this post, we provide links to many of the blog posts related to the conference content and experience. The authors include EPIP members and leaders, conference speakers, and senior leaders in the field. Thanks to all for the enthusiasm and analysis! Unfortunately because we have pulled these link and titles from a variety of source websites, the font formatting has been a challenge. Please pardon the appearance and focus on the important content. Maisha Simmons: The Experiences of An Emerging Leader at National Philanthropy Conferences here Alfonso Wenker: Pearls of Wisdom from EPIP’s National Conference here Chanelle Gandy: Reflections from a Millennial here Chris Cardona: Let the River Run: on confluence (or not) of EPIP 2011 National Conference) & Council on Foundations 2011 Annual Conference here Christine Reeves, NCRP: Top Ten Lessons from Emerging Practitioners in Philanthropy here Another Multiplier Effect: Invest in Talent Development – Part One here, Part Two here Trista Harris: I Told You EPIP Was Awesome here Tammie Power Dynamics (from #epip11): here Christi Tran: Caught in the Headlights here Richard Woo: Fountain of Youth here Holly Wolf: Letter to COF Conference Attendees here Sterling Spiern: Promoting Intergenerational Leadership & Racial Justice in Philanthropy here Kris Putnam Walkerly and Rusty Stahl: EPIP Provides Support and Opportunity for Emerging Leaders in Philanthropy here Kris Putnam Walkerly and Rusty Stahl: Advancing the Next Generation: EPIP’s Impact on Philanthropy here Added bonus: a post […]
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2011 EPIP National Conference
We want to hear from you! What a week it has been! Many of us attended the 10th Anniversary EPIP National Conference in Philadelphia to represent Bay Area philanthropy and if you haven’t heard, it was a very engaging, thought-provoking and inspiring week of events, workshops, speakers and connections. We want to hear how it had an impact on you, your organization, your chapter or your career path. What are some key highlights, takeaways, favorite moments or lessons learned that you would like to share with the rest of the Bay Area Chapter and philanthropy community? Please add your comments to this post. Here are highlights from EPIP Bay Area Chapter steering committee members: The EPIP conference was absolutely transformative. The speakers were inspiring and impressive and the four program tracks; Understanding Philanthropy, Social Impact, Managing Power Dynamics and Generations in Philanthropy, were delivered with deep reflection and compassion for the hard work that is being undertaken by those in the sector. Conference participants were encouraged to share their thoughts on an array of topics from systems change to movement building, and were encouraged to think deeply about our own true purpose as well as the broader philanthropic mission and purpose. The conference also stressed the importance of multisector partnerships to ensure that the philanthropic community is utilizing all of the resources available to promote meaningful change. I am very grateful for the opportunity to be able to participate and I look forward to combating and confronting some of the […]
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EPIP National Conference Highlight: Learning Tours
Still trying to make the case to your employer about why you should attend EPIP’s 2011 National Conference? How about the chance to visit local non-profits in Philadelphia and to engage with local funders who are supporting their work? The conference will feature three learning tours – each described below! Farm to Families: Exploring the role of urban agriculture, food access, and social justice opportunity in North Philadelphia North Philadelphia is the second hungriest congressional district in the United States. The Farm to Families Tour will spotlight a set of multi-field partners organized to get affordable, healthy food from local farmers to families in this section of the city. Participants will learn about food access, nutrition programming, and policy work in Philadelphia, get details on the unique organizations collaborating to make Farm to Families happen, and learn about how one funder proactively structured the project to build strong working relationships among Farm to Families organizations. The tour will visit a local farm, a food packaging center, and distribution sites. Lunch will be prepared with food from Farm to Families farmers! This tour will engage and visit with: Greensgrow SHARE Food Program Farm to Families Initiative Why Youth Organizing Matters: How Youth Organizing can truly influence local policy and education reform The Youth Organizing Learning Tour brings together three of Philadelphia’s youth organizing groups from three different areas of the city: Philly Student Union, Youth United for Change, and Asian Americans United. Tour participants will learn about and have the opportunity […]
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Scholarships Available for EPIP's 2011 Conference
Apply now for a $500 scholarship through EPIP’s “Next Generation Fund” to attend the 2011 EPIP Conference in Philadelphia! Process and Deadlines: Applications will be reviewed and approved on a rolling basis however Institutional Members will be given priority access to the scholarship funds. If you are an Individual Member applying for support, you will receive notification from EPIP beginning Friday, January 28, 2011. The online application will remain open until all funds have been distributed to members. Visit for more information, and let us know ([email protected]) if you’ll be attending. We have a strong contingent of folks planning to attend (10 and counting!) so keep us posted!
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2011 EPIP National Conference Call for Sessions
Register! and submit a workshop proposal for the 2011 EPIP National Conference. EPIP National Conferenceand 10th Anniversary Celebration!April 7-9, 2011 (immediately preceding COF)Philadelphia, PA You can link to highlights from the 2010 EPIP National Conference through this post.
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