Webinar recap - Strengthening Nonprofit-Funder Partnerships

May 21, 2014

EPIP Webinar: Strengthening Nonprofit-Funder Partnerships

This session featured speaker Christine Reeves, Senior Field Associate of the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy (NCRP). Christine led us through an engaging webinar in which she discussed various ways to address the imbalance of power between funders and nonprofits (as well as between funders, nonprofits and communities). We explored the context for and necessity of strong funder/nonprofit partnerships, and discussed ten assumptions about funder/nonprofit partnerships we might want to avoid. Additionally, Christine walked us through practical ways to achieve stronger funder/nonprofit partnerships and provided us with concrete actions every philanthropic practitioner can use in our work. NCRP has a new initiative called Philamplify.org, which aims to maximize the impact of our country’s grantmakers. We encourage you to visit the site and contribute your insights today.

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